April 23, 2008

New guide on implementing community-based distribution of injectable contraceptives

Family Health International is pleased to announce the publication of a new guide: Provision of Injectable Contraception Services through Community-Based Distribution: Implementation Handbook. The guide can be downloaded at:

Produced with support from the US Agency for International Development (USAID) and in collaboration with Save the Children USA, this step-by-step guide explains how to introduce injectable contraceptives - such as Depo Provera (or DMPA) - into an existing community-based distribution (CBD) program. Based on the experience of two recent pilot projects supported by USAID in Uganda and Madagascar, the Implementation Handbook introduces a nine-step process and provides some helpful tools for the CBD of injectables.

Program managers, policy-makers, and others interested in providing greater access to family planning will appreciate the practical guidance offered by this handbook. Given the popularity of injectables among women in many countries, CBD is a strategy that can facilitate access, increase continuity of use, strengthen user satisfaction, and ease client flow at the health centers. It is an appropriate approach in resource-constrained settings.

To request hard copies of the handbook, use the order form provided or send an e-mail to publications@fhi.org.