July 28, 2014

Latest Article Alert from Malaria Journal

The following new articles have just been published in <a href="http://www.malariajournal.com" class="hiddenlink"><em>Malaria Journal</em></a>
For articles using Author Version-first publication you will see a provisional PDF corresponding to the accepted manuscript. In these instances, the fully formatted Final Version PDF and full text (HTML) versions will follow in due course.

Methaemoglobin and COHb in patients with malaria
H&auml;nscheid T, Gresnigt T, L&ouml;hr S, Flamen A, Zoller T, Melo-Cristino J, Grobusch MP
Malaria Journal 2014, 13:285 (23 July 2014)
Abstract http://www.malariajournal.com/content/13/1/285/abstract
Provisional PDF http://www.malariajournal.com/content/pdf/1475-2875-13-285.pdf

Declining efficacy of artesunate plus sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine in northeastern India
Mishra N, Kaitholia K, Srivastava B, Shah NK, Narayan JP, Dev V, Phookan S, Anvikar AR, Rana R, Bharti RS, Sonal GS, Dhariwal AC, Valecha N
Malaria Journal 2014, 13:284 (22 July 2014)
Abstract http://www.malariajournal.com/content/13/1/284/abstract
Provisional PDF http://www.malariajournal.com/content/pdf/1475-2875-13-284.pdf
PubMed http://www.malariajournal.com/pubmed/25052385

Evaluation of community-based systems for the surveillance of day three-positive Plasmodium falciparum cases in Western Cambodia
Cox J, Dy Soley L, Bunkea T, Sovannaroth S, Soy Ty K, Ngak S, Bjorge S, Ringwald P, Mellor S, Sintasath D, Meek S
Malaria Journal 2014, 13:282 (22 July 2014)
Abstract http://www.malariajournal.com/content/13/1/282/abstract
Full text http://www.malariajournal.com/content/13/1/282
PDF http://www.malariajournal.com/content/pdf/1475-2875-13-282.pdf
PubMed http://www.malariajournal.com/pubmed/25052222

Pharmacokinetic evaluation of intravenous artesunate in adults with uncomplicated falciparum malaria in Kenya: a phase II study
Li Q, Remich S, Miller SR, Ogutu B, Otieno W, Melendez V, Teja-Isavadharm P, Weina PJ, Hickman MR, Smith B, Polhemus M
Malaria Journal 2014, 13:281 (22 July 2014)
Abstract http://www.malariajournal.com/content/13/1/281/abstract
Provisional PDF http://www.malariajournal.com/content/pdf/1475-2875-13-281.pdf
PubMed http://www.malariajournal.com/pubmed/25047305

Imported malaria in a non-endemic area: the experience of the university of Campinas hospital in the Brazilian Southeast
Dos-Santos JC, Angerami RN, Casti&ntilde;eiras CM, Lopes SC, Albrecht L, Garcia MT, Levy CE, Moretti ML, Lacerda MV, Costa FT
Malaria Journal 2014, 13:280 (22 July 2014)
Abstract http://www.malariajournal.com/content/13/1/280/abstract
Provisional PDF http://www.malariajournal.com/content/pdf/1475-2875-13-280.pdf
PubMed http://www.malariajournal.com/pubmed/25047177

Plasmodium falciparum parasites lacking histidine-rich protein 2 and 3: a review and recommendations for accurate reporting
Cheng Q, Gatton ML, Barnwell J, Chiodini P, McCarthy J, Bell D, Cunningham J
Malaria Journal 2014, 13:283 (22 July 2014)
Abstract http://www.malariajournal.com/content/13/1/283/abstract
Provisional PDF http://www.malariajournal.com/content/pdf/1475-2875-13-283.pdf
PubMed http://www.malariajournal.com/pubmed/25052298

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