June 30, 2014

Latest Article Alert from Respiratory Research

The following new articles have just been published in <a href="http://respiratory-research.com" class="hiddenlink"><em>Respiratory Research</em></a>
For articles using Author Version-first publication you will see a provisional PDF corresponding to the accepted manuscript. In these instances, the fully formatted Final Version PDF and full text (HTML) versions will follow in due course.

Impaired macrophage phagocytosis of bacteria in severe asthma
Liang Z, Zhang Q, Thomas CM, Chana KK, Gibeon D, Barnes PJ, Chung KF, Bhavsar PK, Donnelly LE
Respiratory Research 2014, 15:72 (27 June 2014)
Abstract http://respiratory-research.com/content/15/1/72/abstract
Provisional PDF http://respiratory-research.com/content/pdf/1465-9921-15-72.pdf

Rac2 is involved in bleomycin-induced lung inflammation leading to pulmonary fibrosis
Arizmendi N, Puttagunta L, Chung KL, Davidson C, Rey-Parra J, Chao DV, Thebaud B, Lacy P, Vliagoftis H
Respiratory Research 2014, 15:71 (27 June 2014)
Abstract http://respiratory-research.com/content/15/1/71/abstract
Provisional PDF http://respiratory-research.com/content/pdf/1465-9921-15-71.pdf

Developmental lung expression and transcriptional regulation of Claudin-6 by TTF-1, Gata-6, and FoxA2
Jimenez FR, Lewis JB, Belgique ST, Wood TT, Reynolds PR
Respiratory Research 2014, 15:70 (26 June 2014)
Abstract http://respiratory-research.com/content/15/1/70/abstract
Provisional PDF http://respiratory-research.com/content/pdf/1465-9921-15-70.pdf

Accumulation of metals in GOLD4 COPD lungs is associated with decreased CFTR levels
Hassan F, Xu X, Nuovo G, Killilea DW, Tyrrell J, Tan C, Tarran R, Diaz P, Jee J, Knoell D, Boyaka PN, Cormet-Boyaka E
Respiratory Research 2014, 15:69 (23 June 2014)
Abstract http://respiratory-research.com/content/15/1/69/abstract
Provisional PDF http://respiratory-research.com/content/pdf/1465-9921-15-69.pdf
PubMed http://respiratory-research.com/pubmed/24957904

Derivation of normative data for the COPD assessment test (CAT)
Pinto LM, Gupta N, Tan W, Li PZ, Benedetti A, Jones PW, Bourbeau J
Respiratory Research 2014, 15:68 (23 June 2014)
Abstract http://respiratory-research.com/content/15/1/68/abstract
Provisional PDF http://respiratory-research.com/content/pdf/1465-9921-15-68.pdf
PubMed http://respiratory-research.com/pubmed/24957783

Controlled and uncontrolled asthma display distinct alveolar tissue matrix compositions
Weitoft M, Andersson C, Andersson-Sj&ouml;land A, Tufvesson E, Bjermer L, Erjef&auml;lt J, Westergren-Thorsson G
Respiratory Research 2014, 15:67 (20 June 2014)
Abstract http://respiratory-research.com/content/15/1/67/abstract
Provisional PDF http://respiratory-research.com/content/pdf/1465-9921-15-67.pdf
PubMed http://respiratory-research.com/pubmed/24950767

Improving inhaler adherence in patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: a cost-effectiveness analysis
van Boven JF, Tommelein E, Boussery K, Mehuys E, Vegter S, Brusselle GG, Rutten-van M&ouml;lken MP, Postma MJ
Respiratory Research 2014, 15:66 (14 June 2014)
Abstract http://respiratory-research.com/content/15/1/66/abstract
Full text http://respiratory-research.com/content/15/1/66
PDF http://respiratory-research.com/content/pdf/1465-9921-15-66.pdf
PubMed http://respiratory-research.com/pubmed/24929799

N-acetylcysteine improves established monocrotaline-induced pulmonary hypertension in rats
Chaumais M, Ranchoux B, Montani D, Dorfm&uuml;ller P, Tu L, Lecerf F, Raymond N, Guignabert C, Price L, Simonneau G, Cohen-Kaminsky S, Humbert M, Perros F
Respiratory Research 2014, 15:65 (14 June 2014)
Abstract http://respiratory-research.com/content/15/1/65/abstract
Full text http://respiratory-research.com/content/15/1/65
PDF http://respiratory-research.com/content/pdf/1465-9921-15-65.pdf
PubMed http://respiratory-research.com/pubmed/24929652

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