June 16, 2014

Latest Article Alert from Malaria Journal

The following new articles have just been published in <a href="http://www.malariajournal.com" class="hiddenlink"><em>Malaria Journal</em></a>
For articles using Author Version-first publication you will see a provisional PDF corresponding to the accepted manuscript. In these instances, the fully formatted Final Version PDF and full text (HTML) versions will follow in due course.

Placental infections with histologically-confirmed Plasmodium falciparum are associated with adverse birth outcomes in India: a cross-sectional study
Ahmed R, Singh N, ter Kuile FO, Bharti P, Singh PP, Desai M, Udhayakumar V, Terlouw DJ
Malaria Journal 2014, 13:232 (13 June 2014)
Abstract http://www.malariajournal.com/content/13/1/232/abstract
Provisional PDF http://www.malariajournal.com/content/pdf/1475-2875-13-232.pdf

Remotely-sensed, nocturnal, dew point correlates with malaria transmission in Southern Province, Zambia: a time-series study
Nygren D, Stoyanov C, Lewold C, M&aring;nsson F, Miller J, Kamanga A, Shiff CJ
Malaria Journal 2014, 13:231 (13 June 2014)
Abstract http://www.malariajournal.com/content/13/1/231/abstract
Provisional PDF http://www.malariajournal.com/content/pdf/1475-2875-13-231.pdf

Ultrastructure of the lung in a murine model of malaria-associated acute lung injury/acute respiratory distress syndrome
Aitken EH, Negri EM, Barboza R, Lima MR, &Aacute;lvarez JM, Marinho CR, Caldini EG, Epiphanio S
Malaria Journal 2014, 13:230 (13 June 2014)
Abstract http://www.malariajournal.com/content/13/1/230/abstract
Provisional PDF http://www.malariajournal.com/content/pdf/1475-2875-13-230.pdf

Success or failure of critical steps in community case management of malaria with rapid diagnostic tests: a systematic review
Ruizendaal E, Dierickx S, Peeters Grietens K, Schallig HD, Pagnoni F, Mens PF
Malaria Journal 2014, 13:229 (12 June 2014)
Abstract http://www.malariajournal.com/content/13/1/229/abstract
Provisional PDF http://www.malariajournal.com/content/pdf/1475-2875-13-229.pdf

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