The following new articles have just been published in BMC Infectious Diseases
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Research article
Virological efficacy and immunological recovery among Ethiopian HIV-1 infected adults and children
Mulu A, Liebert UG, Maier M
BMC Infectious Diseases 2014, 14:28 (14 January 2014)
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Research article
Multi-centre evaluation of real-time multiplex PCR for detection of carbapenemase genes OXA-48, VIM, IMP, NDM and KPC
van der Zee A, Roorda L, Bosman G, Fluit AC, Hermans M, Smits PH, van der Zanden AG, te Witt R, Bruijnestei j van Coppenraet LE, Cohen Stuart J, Ossewaarde JM
BMC Infectious Diseases 2014, 14:27 (14 January 2014)
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Research article
Single tablet regimens are associated with reduced Efavirenz withdrawal in antiretroviral therapy naive or switching for simplification HIV-infected patients
Fabbiani M, Zaccarelli M, Grima P, Prosperi M, Fanti I, Colafigli M, D¿Avino A, Mondi A, Borghetti A, Fantoni M, Cauda R, Di Giambenedetto S
BMC Infectious Diseases 2014, 14:26 (13 January 2014)
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Research article
Prevalence and genetic characterization of Cryptosporidium, Enterocytozoon, Giardia and Cyclospora in diarrheal outpatients in china
Liu H, Shen Y, Yin J, Yuan Z, Jiang Y, Xu Y, Pan W, Hu Y, Cao J
BMC Infectious Diseases 2014, 14:25 (13 January 2014)
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Research article
Wasting among Uganda men with pulmonary tuberculosis is associated with linear regain in lean tissue mass during and after treatment in contrast to women with wasting who regain fat tissue mass: prospective cohort study
Mupere E, Malone L, Zalwango S, Okwera A, Nsereko M, Tisch DJ, Parraga IM, Stein CM, Mugerwa R, Boom WH, Mayanja HK, Whalen CC
BMC Infectious Diseases 2014, 14:24 (13 January 2014)
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Research article
Acute kidney injury due to anti-tuberculosis drugs: a five-year experience in an aging population
Chang C, Chen Y, Wu V, Shu C, Lee C, Wang J, Lee L, Yu C
BMC Infectious Diseases 2014, 14:23 (13 January 2014)
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Research article
Unexplained diarrhoea in HIV-1 infected individuals
Oude Munnink BB, Canuti M, Deijs M, de Vries M, Jebbink MF, Rebers S, Molenkamp R, van Hemert FJ, Chung K, Cotten M, Snijders F, Sol CJ, van der Hoek L
BMC Infectious Diseases 2014, 14:22 (13 January 2014)
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