February 3, 2012

Latest Article Alert from Particle and Fibre Toxicology


Article alert

The following new articles have just been published in Particle and Fibre Toxicology

For articles which have only just been published, you will see a 'provisional PDF' corresponding to the accepted manuscript. A fully formatted PDF and full text (HTML) version will be made available soon.

Differences in Gene Expression and Cytokine Production by Crystalline vs. Amorphous Silica in Human Lung Epithelial Cells
Perkins TN, Shukla A, Peeters PM, Steinbacher JL, Landry CC, Lathrop SA, Steele C, Reynaert NL, Wouters EF, Mossman BT
Particle and Fibre Toxicology 2012, 9:6 (2 February 2012)
[Abstract] [Provisional PDF]
Carbon Black Nanoparticle Instillation Induces Sustained Inflammation and Genotoxicity in Mouse Lung and Liver
Bourdon JA, Saber AT, Jacobsen NR, Jensen KA, Madsen AM, Lamson JS, Wallin H, Moller P, Loft S, Yauk CL, Vogel UB
Particle and Fibre Toxicology 2012, 9:5 (2 February 2012)
[Abstract] [Provisional PDF]
Nanotitanium dioxide toxicity in mouse lung is reduced in sanding dust from paint
Saber AT, Jacobsen NR, Mortensen A, Szarek J, Jackson P, Madsen A, Jensen KA, Koponen IK, Brunborg G, Gutzkow KB, Vogel U, Wallin H
Particle and Fibre Toxicology 2012, 9:4 (2 February 2012)
[Abstract] [Provisional PDF]
Amorphous silica nanoparticles size-dependently aggravate atopic dermatitis-like skin lesions following an intradermal injection
Hirai T, Yoshikawa T, Nabeshi H, Yoshida T, Tochigi S, Ichihashi K, Uji M, Akase T, Nagano K, Abe Y, Kamada H, Itoh N, Tsunoda S, Yoshioka Y, Tsutsumi Y
Particle and Fibre Toxicology 2012, 9:3 (2 February 2012)
[Abstract] [Provisional PDF]

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