February 23, 2012

Latest Article Alert from BMC Public Health

The latest articles from BMC Public Health, published between 15-Feb-2012 and 22-Feb-2012

For articles which have only just been published, you will see a 'provisional PDF' corresponding to the accepted manuscript.
A fully formatted PDF and full text (HTML) version will be made available soon.

Study protocol
Study protocol for the recruitment of female sex workers and their non-commercial partners into couple-based HIV research
Syvertsen JL, Roberston AM, Abramovitz D, Rangel GM, Martinez G, Patterson TL, Ulibarri MD, Vera A, El-Bassel N, Strathdee SA
BMC Public Health 2012, 12:136 (20 February 2012)
Abstract http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2458/12/136/abstract
Provisional PDF http://www.biomedcentral.com/content/pdf/1471-2458-12-136.pdf

Lessons for public health campaigns from analysing commercial food marketing success factors: a case study
Aschemann-Witzel J, Perez-Cueto FJ, Niedzwiedzka B, Verbeke W, Bech-Larsen T
BMC Public Health 2012, 12:139 (21 February 2012)
Abstract http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2458/12/139/abstract
Provisional PDF http://www.biomedcentral.com/content/pdf/1471-2458-12-139.pdf

Research article
Sanitation behavior among schoolchildren in a multi- ethnic area of Northern rural Vietnam
Xuan L, Hoat L, Rheinlander T, Dalsgaard A, Konradsen F
BMC Public Health 2012, 12:140 (21 February 2012)
Abstract http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2458/12/140/abstract
Provisional PDF http://www.biomedcentral.com/content/pdf/1471-2458-12-140.pdf

Research article
Does social capital travel? Influences on the life satisfaction of young people living in England and Spain
Morgan AR, Rivera F, Moreno C, Haglund BJ
BMC Public Health 2012, 12:138 (21 February 2012)
Abstract http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2458/12/138/abstract
Provisional PDF http://www.biomedcentral.com/content/pdf/1471-2458-12-138.pdf

Research article
Building capacity for evidence informed decision making in public health: a case study of organizational change
Peirson L, Ciliska D, Dobbins M, Mowat D
BMC Public Health 2012, 12:137 (20 February 2012)
Abstract http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2458/12/137/abstract
Provisional PDF http://www.biomedcentral.com/content/pdf/1471-2458-12-137.pdf

Research article
Gender differences in the association between self-rated health and hypertension in a Korean adult population
Shin H, Shin M, Rhee J
BMC Public Health 2012, 12:135 (19 February 2012)
Abstract http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2458/12/135/abstract
Provisional PDF http://www.biomedcentral.com/content/pdf/1471-2458-12-135.pdf

Research article
Determinants of circumcision and willingness to be circumcised by Rwandan Men, 2010
Gasasira RA, Sarker M, Tsague L, Nsanzimana S, Gwiza A, Mbabazi J, Karema C, Asiimwe A, Mugwaneza P
BMC Public Health 2012, 12:134 (18 February 2012)
Abstract http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2458/12/134/abstract
Provisional PDF http://www.biomedcentral.com/content/pdf/1471-2458-12-134.pdf

Research article
Mortality on extreme heat days using official thresholds in Spain: a multi-city time series analysis
Tobias A, Armstrong B, Zuza I, Gasparrini A, Linares C, Diaz J
BMC Public Health 2012, 12:133 (17 February 2012)
Abstract http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2458/12/133/abstract
Provisional PDF http://www.biomedcentral.com/content/pdf/1471-2458-12-133.pdf

Research article
Diagnostic work-up and loss of tuberculosis suspects in Jogjakarta, Indonesia
Ahmad R, Matthys F, Dwihardiani B, Rintiswati N, de Vlas SJ, Mahendradhata Y, van der Stuyft P
BMC Public Health 2012, 12:132 (15 February 2012)
Abstract http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2458/12/132/abstract
Provisional PDF http://www.biomedcentral.com/content/pdf/1471-2458-12-132.pdf

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