Dear Dr Wirawan,
We would like to share with you some highlights in Breast Cancer Research from November and December 2016. For the full list of articles published in Breast Cancer Research, please visit the journal website. Featured articles Rebbeck et al. report evidence that the BRCA1 mutation in transheterozygotes (TH) may drive these clinical TH phenotypes based on elevated ovarian cancer risk in TH vs. SH2 but not SH1, and earlier age of breast cancer diagnosis in TH vs. SH2 but not SH1. Lloyd-Lewis and colleagues assess the utility of whole-organ tissue clearing protocols in the mouse mammary gland and conclude that most methods were affordable, compatible with standard confocal microscopy and enable high-resolution, 3D imaging and phenotyping of mammary cells and tumours in situ. Perez et al. report the results of this Phase II study, which finds that vinorelbine in combination with pertuzumab and trastuzumab is reasonably well tolerated and offers an alternative for patients who cannot receive docetaxel. Social media Don't forget Breast Cancer Research has its own Twitter account! To stay updated with the latest journal news, please follow @BCRJournal, and make sure to recommend to your colleagues. Review Article In this review, Selli and colleagues summarise current and future biomarkers and signatures for predicting response to endocrine treatment, and discuss the potential for using approved drugs and novel agents to improve outcomes. Submit your research Breast Cancer Research offers fast and thorough peer review, with rapid publication and PubMed indexing after acceptance. All research is open access, giving high visibility to your work. Why not consider publishing your next research article with Breast Cancer Research? To find out whether your article is suitable for the journal, send a presubmission enquiry to |