March 27, 2016

Latest Article Alert from BMC Infectious Diseases

The following new article has just been published in BMC Infectious Diseases

Research article
The diagnostic accuracy of serological tests for Lyme borreliosis in Europe: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Leeflang M, Ang C, Berkhout J, Bijlmer H, Van Bortel W, Brandenburg A, Van Burgel N, Van Dam A, Dessau R, Fingerle V, Hovius J, Jaulhac B, Meijer B, Van Pelt W, Schellekens J, Spijker R, Stelma F, Stanek G, Verduyn-Lunel F, Zeller H, Sprong H
BMC Infectious Diseases 2016, 16:140 (25 March 2016)
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