The following new articles have just been published in BMC Infectious Diseases
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Research article
Increase of serotypes 15A and 23B in IPD in Germany in the PCV13 vaccination era
van der Linden M, Perniciaro S, Imöhl M
BMC Infectious Diseases 2015, 15:207 (5 May 2015)
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Research article
Fibrosing mediastinitis complicating prior histoplasmosis is associated with human leukocyte antigen DQB1*04:02 − a case control study
Strock SB, Gaudieri S, Mallal S, Yu C, Mitchell D, Cogan J, Mason W, Crowe D, Loyd JE
BMC Infectious Diseases 2015, 15:206 (5 May 2015)
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Research article
Scaling up combined community-based HIV prevention interventions targeting truck drivers in Morocco: effectiveness on HIV testing and counseling
Himmich H, Ouarsas L, Hajouji F, Lions C, Roux P, Carrieri P
BMC Infectious Diseases 2015, 15:208 (5 May 2015)
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