The following new articles have just been published in Acta Neuropathologica Communications
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Longitudinal testing of hippocampal plasticity reveals the onset and maintenance of endogenous human Aß-induced synaptic dysfunction in individual freely behaving pre-plaque transgenic rats: rapid reversal by anti-Aß agents
Qi Y, Klyubin I, Harney SC, Hu N, Cullen WK, Grant MK, Steffen J, Wilson EN, Do Carmo S, Remy S, Fuhrmann M, Ashe KH, Cuello A, Rowan MJ
Acta Neuropathologica Communications 2014, 2:4 (24 December 2014)
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WNT activation by lithium abrogates TP53 mutation associated radiation resistance in medulloblastoma
Zhukova N, Ramaswamy V, Remke M, Martin DC, Castelo-Branco P, Zhang CH, Fraser M, Tse K, Poon R, Shih D, Baskin B, Ray PN, Bouffet E, Dirks P, von Bueren AO, Pfaff E, Korshunov A, Jones D, Northcott PA, Kool M, Pugh TJ, Pomeroy SL, Cho Y, Pietsch T, Gessi M, Rutkowski S, Bognár L, Cho B, Eberhart CG, Conter C
Acta Neuropathologica Communications 2014, 2:3 (24 December 2014)
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TDP-43 pathology in the basal forebrain and hypothalamus of patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
Cykowski MD, Takei H, Schulz PE, Appel SH, Powell SZ
Acta Neuropathologica Communications 2014, 2:1 (24 December 2014)
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