The following new articles have just been published in Breast Cancer Research
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Research article
Mitochondrial dysfunction in some triple-negative breast cancer cell lines: role of mTOR pathway and therapeutic potential
Pelicano H, Zhang W, Liu J, Hammoudi N, Dai J, Xu R, Pusztai L, Huang P
Breast Cancer Research 2014, 16:434 (11 September 2014)
Provisional PDF
Research article
Overcoming endocrine resistance due to reduced PTEN levels in estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer by co-targeting mammalian target of rapamycin, protein kinase B, or mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase
Fu X, Creighton CJ, Biswal NC, Kumar V, Shea M, Herrera S, Contreras A, Gutierrez C, Wang T, Nanda S, Giuliano M, Morrison G, Nardone A, Karlin KL, Westbrook TF, Heiser LM, Anur P, Spellman P, Guichard SM, Smith PD, Davies BR, Klinowska T, Lee AV, Mills GB, Rimawi MF, Hilsenbeck SG, Gray JW, Joshi A, Osborne C, Schiff R
Breast Cancer Research 2014, 16:430 (11 September 2014)
Provisional PDF
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