April 9, 2014

Latest Article Alert from Breast Cancer Research

The following new articles have just been published in Breast Cancer Research

For articles using Author Version-first publication you will see a provisional PDF corresponding to the accepted manuscript. In these instances, the fully formatted Final Version PDF and full text (HTML) versions will follow in due course.

Research article
Mammographic texture resemblance generalizes as an independent risk factor for breast cancer
Nielsen M, Vachon CM, Scott CG, Chernoff K, Karemore G, Karssemeijer N, Lillholm M, Karsdal MA
Breast Cancer Research 2014, 16:R37 (8 April 2014)
Abstract http://breast-cancer-research.com/content/16/2/R37/abstract
Provisional PDF http://breast-cancer-research.com/content/pdf/bcr3641.pdf

Research article
Patient-derived xenografts of triple-negative breast cancer reproduce molecular features of patient tumors and respond to mTOR inhibition
Zhang H, Cohen AL, Krishnakumar S, Wapnir IL, Veeriah S, Deng G, Coram MA, Piskun CM, Longacre TA, Herrler M, Frimannsson DO, Telli ML, Dirbas FM, Matin AC, Dairkee SH, Larijani B, Glinsky GV, Bild AH, Jeffrey SS
Breast Cancer Research 2014, 16:R36 (7 April 2014)
Abstract http://breast-cancer-research.com/content/16/2/R36/abstract
Provisional PDF http://breast-cancer-research.com/content/pdf/bcr3640.pdf
PubMed http://breast-cancer-research.com/pubmed/24708766

Research article
A methodology to ensure and improve accuracy of Ki67 labelling index estimation by automated digital image analysis in breast cancer tissue
Laurinavicius A, Plancoulaine B, Laurinaviciene A, Herlin P, Meskauskas R, Baltrusaityte I, Besusparis J, Dasevi¿ius D, Elie N, Iqbal Y, Bor C, Ellis IO
Breast Cancer Research 2014, 16:R35 (6 April 2014)
Abstract http://breast-cancer-research.com/content/16/2/R35/abstract
Provisional PDF http://breast-cancer-research.com/content/pdf/bcr3639.pdf
PubMed http://breast-cancer-research.com/pubmed/24708745

Research article
Post-diagnostic prescriptions for low-dose aspirin and breast cancer-specific survival: a nested case-control study in a breast cancer cohort from the UK Clinical Practice
Murray LJ, Cooper JA, Hughes CM, Powe DG, Cardwell CR
Breast Cancer Research 2014, 16:R34 (4 April 2014)
Abstract http://breast-cancer-research.com/content/16/2/R34/abstract
Provisional PDF http://breast-cancer-research.com/content/pdf/bcr3638.pdf
PubMed http://breast-cancer-research.com/pubmed/24708725

Research article
Engagement of immune effector cells by trastuzumab induces HER2/ERBB2 downregulation in cancer cells through STAT1 activation
Shi Y, Fan X, Meng W, Deng H, Zhang N, An Z
Breast Cancer Research 2014, 16:R33 (2 April 2014)
Abstract http://breast-cancer-research.com/content/16/2/R33/abstract
Provisional PDF http://breast-cancer-research.com/content/pdf/bcr3637.pdf
PubMed http://breast-cancer-research.com/pubmed/24693969

Status of adjuvant endocrine therapy for breast cancer
Schiavon G, Smith IE
Breast Cancer Research 2014, 16:206 (1 April 2014)
Abstract http://breast-cancer-research.com/content/16/2/206/abstract
Full text http://breast-cancer-research.com/content/16/2/206
PDF http://breast-cancer-research.com/content/pdf/bcr3636.pdf

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