The following new articles have just been published in BMC Cardiovascular Disorders
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Research article
A comparison of Chinese and non-Chinese Canadian patients hospitalized with heart failure
Yeung DF, Van Dyke NK, Maclagan L, Moe GW, Shah BR, Chiu M, Lee DS, Ko DT, Lau C, Tu JV
BMC Cardiovascular Disorders 2013, 13:114 (10 December 2013)
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Research article
Red cell distribution width is associated with long-term prognosis in patients with stable coronary artery disease
Osadnik T, Strzelczyk J, Hawranek M, Lekston A, Wasilewski J, Kurek A, Gutowski AR, Wilczek K, Dyrbu¿ K, Gierlotka M, Wiczkowski A, G¿sior M, Szafranek A, Polo¿ski L
BMC Cardiovascular Disorders 2013, 13:113 (10 December 2013)
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Research article
Trends in mortality rates from coronary heart disease in Belgrade (Serbia) during the period 1990-2010: a joinpoint regression analysis
Vujcic IS, Sipetic SB, Dubljanin ES, Vlajinac HD
BMC Cardiovascular Disorders 2013, 13:112 (9 December 2013)
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