The following new articles have just been published in BMC Infectious Diseases
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Case report
Acute hypophysitis and hypopituitarism in early syphilitic meningitis in a HIV-infected patient: a case report
Spinner CD, Noe S, Schwerdtfeger C, Todorova A, Gaa J, Schmid RM, Busch DH, Neuenhahn M
BMC Infectious Diseases 2013, 13:481 (17 October 2013)
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Research article
Long-term dominance of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Uganda family in peri-urban Kampala-Uganda is not associated with cavitary disease
Wampande EM, Mupere E, Debanne SM, Asiimwe BB, Nsereko M, Mayanja H, Eisenach K, Kaplan G, Boom HW, Sebastien G, Joloba ML
BMC Infectious Diseases 2013, 13:484 (17 October 2013)
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Research article
Interrelationship of Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae and Staphylococcus aureus colonization within and between pneumococcal-vaccine naive mother-child dyads
Shiri T, Nunes MC, Adrian PV, Van Niekerk N, Klugman KP, Madhi SA
BMC Infectious Diseases 2013, 13:483 (17 October 2013)
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Research article
Nevirapine versus efavirenz-based antiretroviral therapy regimens in antiretroviral-naive patients with HIV and tuberculosis infections in India: a pilot study
Sinha S, Raghunandan P, Chandrashekhar R, Sharma SK, Kumar S, Dhooria S, Ekka M, Velpandian T, Ranjan S, Ahmad H, Samantaray JC, Venkatesh S, Rewari BB, Khan NH, Pandey RM
BMC Infectious Diseases 2013, 13:482 (17 October 2013)
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Study protocol
A randomised trial of point-of-care tests for chlamydia and gonorrhoea infections in remote Aboriginal communities: Test, Treat ANd GO- the "TTANGO" trial protocol
Guy RJ, Natoli L, Ward J, Causer L, Hengel B, Whiley D, Tabrizi SN, Donovan B, Fairley CK, Badman SB, Tangey A, Wand H, Shephard M, Regan DG, Wilson D, Anderson D, Kaldor JM
BMC Infectious Diseases 2013, 13:485 (18 October 2013)
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