The following new articles have just been published in BMC Infectious Diseases
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Study protocol
Characterizing the syphilis epidemic among men who have sex with men in Lima, Peru to identify new treatment and control strategies
Deiss RG, Leon SL, Konda KA, Brown B, Segura ER, Galea JT, Caceres CF, Klausner JD
BMC Infectious Diseases 2013, 13:426 (10 September 2013)
Provisional PDF
Study protocol
STI in remote communities: improved and enhanced primary health care (STRIVE) study protocol: a cluster randomised controlled trial comparing 'usual practice' STI care to enhanced care in remote primary health care services in Australia
Ward J, McGregor S, Guy RJ, Rumbold AR, Garton L, Silver BJ, Taylor-Thomson D, Hengel B, Knox J, Dyda A, Law MG, Wand H, Donovan B, Fairley CK, Skov S, Ah Chee D, Boffa J, Glance D, McDermott R, Maher L, Kaldor JM
BMC Infectious Diseases 2013, 13:425 (9 September 2013)
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Research article
Effect of ganciclovir for the treatment of severe cytomegalovirus-associated pneumonia in children without a specific immunocompromised state
Doan TT, Phung TT, Pham HV, Pham SH, Nguyen LT
BMC Infectious Diseases 2013, 13:424 (9 September 2013)
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