The following new articles have just been published in BMC Women's Health
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Study protocol
Levonorgestrel releasing intrauterine system (Mirena) versus endometrial ablation (Novasure) in women with heavy menstrual bleeding: a multicentre randomised controlled trial
Herman MC, van den Brink MJ, Geomini PM, van Meurs HS, Huirne JA, Eising HP, Timmermans A, Pijnenborg J, Klinkert ER, Coppus SF, Nieboer T, Catshoek R, van der Voet LF, van Eijndhoven HW, Graziosi G, Veersema BS, van Kesteren PJ, Langenveld J, Smeets NA, van Vliet HA, van der Steeg JW, Leeuwen YL, Dekker JH, Mol BW, Berger MY, Bongers MY
BMC Women's Health 2013, 13:32 (8 August 2013)
Provisional PDF
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