The following new articles have just been published in Malaria Journal
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"Even if the test result is negative, they should be able to tell us what is wrong with us": a qualitative study of patient expectations of rapid diagnostic tests for malaria
Ansah EK, Reynolds J, Akanpigbiam S, Whitty CJ, Chandler CI
Malaria Journal 2013, 12:258 (22 July 2013)
Provisional PDF
Local illness concepts and their relevance for the prevention and control of malaria during pregnancy in Ghana, Kenya and Malawi: findings from a comparative qualitative study
Menaca A, Pell C, Manda-Taylor L, Chatio S, Afrah NA, Were F, Hodgson A, Ouma P, Kalilani L, Tagbor H, Pool R
Malaria Journal 2013, 12:257 (22 July 2013)
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