The following new article has just been published in Particle and Fibre ToxicologyFor articles which have only just been published, you will see a 'provisional PDF' corresponding to the accepted manuscript. A fully formatted PDF and full text (HTML) version will be made available soon. | |||
Research Toxicological properties of emission particles from heavy duty engines powered by conventional and bio-based diesel fuels and compressed natural gas Jalava PI, Aakko-Saksa P, Murtonen T, Happo MS, Markkanen A, Yli-Pirilä P, Hakulinen P, Hillamo R, Mäki-Paakkanen J, Salonen RO, Jokiniemi J, Hirvonen M Particle and Fibre Toxicology 2012, 9:37 (29 September 2012) [Abstract] [Provisional PDF] | |||
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