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Research article
Assessing interactions between the associations of common genetic susceptibility variants, reproductive history and body mass index with breast cancer risk in the Breast Cancer Association Consortium: a combined case-control study
Milne RL, Gaudet MM, Spurdle AB, Fasching PA, Couch FJ, Benitez J, Arias Perez J, Zamora M, Malats N, dos Santos Silva I, Gibson LJ, Fletcher O, Johnson N, Anton-Culver H, Ziogas A, Figueroa J, Brinton L, Sherman ME, Lissowska J, Hopper JL, Dite GS, Apicella C, Southey MC, Sigurdson AJ, Linet MS, Schonfeld SJ, Freedman D, Mannermaa A, Kosma V, Kataja V
Breast Cancer Research 2010, 12:R110 (31 December 2010)
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Research article
A PALB2 mutation associated with high risk of breast cancer
Southey MC, Teo ZL, Dowty JG, Odefrey FA, Park DJ, Tischkowitz M, Sabbaghian N, Apicella C, Byrnes GB, Winship I, Cancer Family Registry B, ConFab K, Baglietto L, Giles GG, Goldgar D, Foulkes WD, Hopper JL
Breast Cancer Research 2010, 12:R109 (23 December 2010)
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