July 17, 2010

Latest Article Alert from Environmental Health (8 articles)

The latest articles from Environmental Health, published between 03-Jul-2010 and 16-Jul-2010

For articles which have only just been published, you will see a 'provisional PDF' corresponding to the accepted manuscript.
A fully formatted PDF and full text (HTML) version will be made available soon.

Case report
Institutional review board challenges related to community-based participatory research on human exposure to environmental toxins: A case study
Brown P, Morello-Frosch R, Green Brody J, Gasior Altman R, Rudel RA, Senier L, Perez C, Simpson R
Environmental Health 2010, 9:39 (16 July 2010)
Abstract http://www.ehjournal.net/content/9/1/39/abstract
Provisional PDF http://www.ehjournal.net/content/pdf/1476-069X-9-39.pdf

Geographical differences on the mortality impact of heat waves in Europe.
Sunyer J
Environmental Health 2010, 9:38 (16 July 2010)
Abstract http://www.ehjournal.net/content/9/1/38/abstract
Provisional PDF http://www.ehjournal.net/content/pdf/1476-069X-9-38.pdf

Milestones and Impact Factors
Ozonoff DM, Grandjean P
Environmental Health 2010, 9:35 (8 July 2010)
Abstract http://www.ehjournal.net/content/9/1/35/abstract
Provisional PDF http://www.ehjournal.net/content/pdf/1476-069X-9-35.pdf
PubMed http://www.ehjournal.net/pubmed/20615249

The impact of heat waves on mortality in 9 European cities: results from the EuroHEAT project
D'Ippoliti D, Michelozzi P, Marino C, de'Donato F, Menne B, Katsouyanni K, Kirchmayer U, Analitis A, Medina-Ramon M, Paldy A, Atkinson R, Kovats S, Bisanti L, Schneider A, Lefranc A, Iniguez C, Perucci CA
Environmental Health 2010, 9:37 (16 July 2010)
Abstract http://www.ehjournal.net/content/9/1/37/abstract
Provisional PDF http://www.ehjournal.net/content/pdf/1476-069X-9-37.pdf

Association between arsenic exposure and plasma cholinesterase activity: a population based study in Bangladesh
Ali N, Hoque M, Haque A, Salam K, Karim M, Rahman A, Islam K, Saud Z, Khalek M, Akhand A, Hossain M, Mandal A, Karim M, Miyataka H, Himeno S, Hossain K
Environmental Health 2010, 9:36 (10 July 2010)
Abstract http://www.ehjournal.net/content/9/1/36/abstract
Provisional PDF http://www.ehjournal.net/content/pdf/1476-069X-9-36.pdf
PubMed http://www.ehjournal.net/pubmed/20618979

Participatory testing and reporting in an environmental-justice community of Worcester, Massachusetts: a pilot project
Downs TJ, Ross L, Mucciarone D, Calvache M, Taylor O, Goble R
Environmental Health 2010, 9:34 (6 July 2010)
Abstract http://www.ehjournal.net/content/9/1/34/abstract
Provisional PDF http://www.ehjournal.net/content/pdf/1476-069X-9-34.pdf
PubMed http://www.ehjournal.net/pubmed/20604953

Opening the research agenda for selection of hot spots for human biomonitoring research in Belgium: a participatory research project
Keune H, Morrens B, Croes K, Colles A, Koppen G, Springael J, Loots I, van Campenhout K, Chovanova H, Schoeters G, Nelen V, Baeyens W, van Larebeke N
Environmental Health 2010, 9:33 (6 July 2010)
Abstract http://www.ehjournal.net/content/9/1/33/abstract
Provisional PDF http://www.ehjournal.net/content/pdf/1476-069X-9-33.pdf
PubMed http://www.ehjournal.net/pubmed/20604935

Placental transfer of the polybrominated diphenyl ethers BDE-47, BDE-99 and BDE-209 in a human placenta perfusion system: an experimental study
Frederiksen M, Vorkamp K, Mathiesen L, Mose T, Knudsen LE
Environmental Health 2010, 9:32 (5 July 2010)
Abstract http://www.ehjournal.net/content/9/1/32/abstract
Provisional PDF http://www.ehjournal.net/content/pdf/1476-069X-9-32.pdf
PubMed http://www.ehjournal.net/pubmed/20598165

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