April 25, 2009

Latest Article Alert from Breast Cancer Research (4 articles)

The latest articles from Breast Cancer Research, published between 11-Apr-2009 and 24-Apr-2009

For research articles that have only just been published you will see a 'provisional PDF' corresponding to the accepted manuscript. Fully formatted PDF and full-text (HTML) versions will be made available soon.

Research article
Interleukin-1beta and fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 cooperate to induce cyclooxygenase-2 during early mammary tumorigenesis
Reed JR, Leon RP, Hall MK, Schwertfeger KL
Breast Cancer Research 2009, 11:R21 (24 April 2009)
Abstract http://breast-cancer-research.com/content/11/2/R21/abstract
Provisional PDF http://breast-cancer-research.com/content/pdf/bcr2246.pdf

Research article
Pregnancy in the mature adult mouse does not alter the proportion of mammary epithelial stem/progenitor cells
Britt K, Kendrick H, Regan JL, Molyneux G, Magnay F, Ashworth A, Smalley MJ
Breast Cancer Research 2009, 11:R20 (22 April 2009)
Abstract http://breast-cancer-research.com/content/11/2/R20/abstract
Provisional PDF http://breast-cancer-research.com/content/pdf/bcr2245.pdf

Number crunching in the cancer stem cell market
Alison MR, Islam S, Lim SM
Breast Cancer Research 2009, 11:302 (24 April 2009)

PDF http://breast-cancer-research.com/content/pdf/bcr2243.pdf

FISH and immunohistochemical status of the hepatocyte growth factor receptor (c-Met) in 184 invasive breast tumors
Carracedo A, Egervari K, Salido M, Rojo F, Corominas JM, Arumi M, Corzo C, Tusquets I, Espinet B, Rovira A, Albanell J, Szollosi Z, Serrano S, Sole F
Breast Cancer Research 2009, 11:402 (21 April 2009)

PDF http://breast-cancer-research.com/content/pdf/bcr2239.pdf

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